Windows 7 Version Comparison – Home, Professional, Ultimate.
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Windows 7 Version Comparison – Home, Professional, Ultimate.Windows 7 Home Premium vs. Professional - Difference and Comparison | DiffenWindows 7 professional or ultimate which is better free
Unlike OS X, which has one version for everyone, Windows tries to break it down into several groups with different price points. Depending on what you will be using your computer for, you may only need the Home version or you may need Ultimate. There is Windows 7 Starter, which is usually on netbooks.
Windows 7 Home Basic is available in emerging markets and not here in the US. And Windows 7 Enterprise is sold through volume licensing to companies and institutions. Note that if you buy the most basic version of Windows, you can still upgrade at any time using Windows Anytime Upgrade.
Basically, the Home version includes Professional and Ultimate, but those extra features will only be installed when you purchase it.
You can run Anytime Upgrade from within Windows itself. To get a quick overview of the differences, you can always go to the following page from Microsoft:. I find their comparison a bit too simplified and not very clear cut, especially if you want to know all the extra features of each version. In addition to the points mentioned above, Professional also has the following features and services:.
There are only a few extra features in Ultimate that are useful for consumers. Most of the additional features in Ultimate are for IT Professionals. Even to a degree, Professional also is not super useful for the average user. Hopefully, Windows 8 does not have even more versions to choose from! Founder of Help Desk Geek and managing editor. He began blogging in and quit his job in to blog full-time.
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